Pool Nation Awards

“Pool Nation Awards 2023”. Voting starts September 15th and Open Until October 15th at https://poolnationawards.com For any questions please feel free to Contact us.

Max Obrien

About:- Max Obrien
I would like to formally submit Max O’Brien for nomination as Poolman of the year. I’ve known Max for about 15 years and I can honestly say he exemplifies what a leader he is in the pool industry. Max started off working with his dad at a very early age as a maintenance mechanic at hotels. His parents taught him the value of hard work and helping others which drives Max today to succeed and have compassion to help other. Max started his pool career with a large pool company in Ventura County and worked his way up to be a Supervisor.  He decided to give it a go with starting his own company and today he is considered to be one of the best in the business.  The following list is a small list of Max accomplishments:
Jandy Warranty Rep
Raypak consultant for their new heater
Volunteer pool services for Ventura March of Dimes
Volunteer to install pool for Make a Wish  Foundation
IPSSA President for 2 terms
IPSSA Sick route Coordinator
IPSSA Treasure
IPSSA Regional Director
Ventura County Sherrif Search and Rescue Trainer
Provides Technical support for IPSSA members
Provides equipment installation for IPSSA members
Provides CPR Training for IPSSA Members
Provides Health Department regulation training for IPSSA members
 I’ve been the pool industry for over 20 years starting off with Jandy as a Q.A manager and new product development Engineer. I can honestly say I have never met anyone who could meet my expectations but Max sure comes pretty close. We don’t hang out together but I trust him enough to oversee the sale of my business in the case of my death.

Thank You!